Peter and Paul
by Stephanie Zacharer Ruyle
61” X 66”
With a playful, scaled distortion of a traditional Robbing Peter to Pay Paul block, this quilt plucks the partial circle motif and scatters it against negative space. The palette for the partial circles all fall into a spectrum of warm colors except one, while the negative space is uniformly off-white. The binding is almost invisible, matching the adjacent quilt in color everywhere along the perimeter. Like the two “colors” for the circles (warm and gray) and the two colors used in the binding, there are two quilting motifs. The partial circles are highlighted by color-matched, curvy echo quilting. In contrast, the negative space is densely quilted with angular, often mirror-image, color-matched triangle quilting. If you look closely, however, hidden within the negative space and centered around the gray partial circle are quilted ghost motifs, a celebration of the traditional block which served as the inspiration for this quilt.
The material for this quilt was graciously provided by Paint Brush Studio from their Painter’s Palette Solids Collection.